Welcome Sharp Minds and Gentle Hearts

Liberation comes when you embody your fullest authentic expression.

- gina dang

Transcend Creative Blocks

All coaching sessions with Gina are individualized to each client with methods that may include movement meditation, embodiment practice, visualization, nutrition/dietary advice, lifestyle analysis, goal-setting, reflection questions, and other techniques. While they’re designed specifically with creators and innovators in mind, they can be adapted for any time life obstacles.

Drop-in Single Sessions Clients receive focused short-term guidance and support on a specific issue or goal. These sessions are ideal for those seeking immediate clarity or a quick solution to a particular challenge. Good for those new to coaching.


Package Plan Multiple sessions designed to create lasting transformation and growth. These plans are tailored to address deeper patterns, provide ongoing accountability, and support long-term goals. Clients who choose a package plan can experience more sustainable results and a deeper level of personal development over time.

Pop-Up Acutherapy

Acupuncture is embedded in a larger system of medicine, is highly versatile, and can be powerfully experienced with community.

Bring Daoist-based, transformative energy to your next event through:

Acupressure Workshops

Community Acupuncture

Inspirational Talks

Qi Gong (guided movement meditation)

Invite Gina to guide a small retreat or contribute as part of your upcoming event. She’s experienced working with small groups and large audiences (5-to-500+ people) with versatility for public or private events.

Thrive Beyond Trauma

Auric Minority is a subscription-based publication and an experimental playground to encourage creative soul work, provide insights into the practice of acupuncture, and empower minority perspectives as vital catalysts for evolutionary consciousness.

Interested in private acupuncture sessions?

Due to the multifaceted nature of her work, Gina takes a limited number of private clients on a case-by-case basis. To inquire further, request an assessment, or get a referral to other practitioners, send a detailed email to evolve@ginadang.com

Dr. Gina Dang acupuncturist and coach smiling in green jumpsuit leaning against wall

Is acupuncture or coaching with Gina right for you?

Unveil the depth of what drives Gina beyond acupuncture, who she enjoys supporting most, and her unwavering commitment to healing as a form of empowerment.

Connect with Gina

For a faster response, send a detailed email directly to evolve@ginadang.com

To request more information or get notified of upcoming events, fill out the contact form.